Si vous n’avez jamais eu l’occasion d’observer les superbes vitrines de la boutique Lanvin rue Faubourg Saint Honoré, il est urgent d’aller y faire un tour ! Les mises en scènes sont faites par Alber Elbaz en personne et changent tous les mois.
22, rue Faubourg Saint Honoré 75008 PARIS
Tél. : 01 44 71 33 33.

Photos © Geraldine Dormoy de Café Mode
Pingback: Lanvin et la gallerie Bertrand Grimont
On the way back from our honeymoon my husband treated me to a bottle of Lanvin Arpege, which I loved and used to wear for years. He bought it for me at Gatwick Airport. I was so, so pleased and could not wait to use it. I opened it on the plane on our journey back to Cork, Ireland. I was so very disappointed as it was nothing like the Arpege I used to wear. I had looked forward to it so much. On my return home I asked three of my friends, each of whom had been users of Arpege, to put it on and smell it, and each one said it bore no resemblence to the Arpege they knew. What happened? I would so love to have my old style Arpege back.